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Workplace Mandates

Since our founding in August 2021,  MS Against Mandates has helped thousands navigate workplace mandates. This isn't a testament to our ability. It is a demonstration that if YOU take action early, YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL. DO NOT listen to the rumors. DO NOT feel defeated without having ever tried. We are seeing resounding success. So please, reach out. We can get you started. Let's turn the thousands to millions.

Reviewing Paperworks


Get Engaged

When possible, request ALL policies and dates in writing. This includes your due dates AND the employer's deadlines to approve/deny exemptions. Request a description IN WRITING of accommodations for BOTH religious and medical exemptions. 


Coordinate Efforts

EVERYONE should make ALL of the requests outlined in Step 1. Do not assume your policies and exemption forms are the same as your coworkers in another department/facility. This will also make sure your employer is aware you are organized as individuals and a group.

Team work
Law Student


Fight on All Fronts

If possible, submit a religious AND a medical exemption. Due to our efforts, natural immunity is now considered a suitable medical exemption for one of our major hospital systems in Mississippi. Please have your employer contact us for more information on how to apply this at your facility. 

Exemption Instructions

The most important aspect of a sincerely held belief is that it is sincere. This is why MS Against Mandates DOES NOT provide form letters. The references below are resources you can reference as sources for some of the most common sincerely held beliefs. DO NOT copy and paste these forms. Use these forms solely for guidance.


There are only three pieces of information the employer should ask for a religious exemption:  

  1. What is your sincerely held belief that prohibits you from getting the vaccine?

  2. How does the workplace policy conflict with this belief?

  3. How can the employer accommodate you?

Some employers do not provide exemption forms; however, you can still write your own exemption. If you're writing your own letter, we recommend you keep it very simple. For example, your opening should include something like this (important legal terms in parentheses): “Based on my (sincerely held belief,) I am requesting a (reasonable accommodation) to the federal COVID-19  vaccine mandate.” Then you explain your sincerely held belief, reference any significant doctrine that applies, then close with the accommodations you consider reasonable.


Do not feel compelled to reference your church or pastor.  It is none of your employer’s business where you practice your religion, unless you wish to share it with them.


We recommend NOT using the aborted fetal cell exemption. The judicial system is no longer upholding this reasoning based upon the diverse use of the technology. If you intend to use this reasoning, please do extensive research on which products use aborted fetal cell genetic lines so you may fully commit to not supporting that technology.

Call our hotline at 601-526-3372 for assistance.



MS Against Mandates has established a simple process to pursue legal action if your exemption is denied. Please visit our legal action page for more information.

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